Collection: Herbal AntiMicrobial

Start this process slowly. You really need to start with Dietary and Lifestyle changes to make the most of your herbal antimicrobial protocols.

Pre-Herbal AntiMicrobial Protocol (Vital so your protocol is successful):

We recommend Paleo (lower carb) diet with Intermittent Fasting. This allows for anti-inflammatory foods to help the healing. If you are very sensitive to fiber-containing foods, or many different kinds of foods, start with the Elemental Nutrition (Diet) (Plus GI Revive) for 2-4 days, then start a Low FODMAP plus Intermittent fasting (16 hours fasting/ 8 hours feeding if you are male, or 12/12 if you are female). Also, you only need to do about 2 days of fasting per week to start slow and get the most out of fasting.  You can do more Intermittent fasting days if you do well. 

Along with Diet and Fasting Take each of the Probiotics (ProBioMed + S. Boulardii + ProbioSpore). If you are sensitive to probiotics, start slowly and take only 1 Probiotic at a time, then add the 2nd and the 3rd slowly. If you are good with probiotics, you can take the Global Healing Ultimate Probiotic that has all of them. The GI Revive is often helpful to take during this phase. 

After 1 or 2 months of diet/fasting/probiotics, you can take the following herbal antimicrobials if you are still having symptoms. The GI-MAP test can help hone in on what you might need, but you can go without the test safely at first and take the test later if needed:

  1. Take Probiotics (to be taken throughout all below steps) + Oil of Oregano +GI-Microb-X for 1 month
    1. If you test positive for H. Pylori, or suspect it without the test, take Pylori-X (instead of GI-Microb) along with Oil of Oregano for 2 full months
    2. Then take Oil of Oregano + GI Microb-X for 1 month
  2. Switch out Oil of Oregano for Paracid-X. Take this along with GI-Microb-X for 1 month
  3. Switch out GI-Microb-X for Candid-X and take Candid-X with Paracid-X for 1 month
  4. Switch out Paracid-X for Oil of Oregano and take that with Candid-X for 1 month
  5. Retest if you took the GI-MAP test originally to see if we need to focus on anything else. If you did not test and you are feeling symptomatically better, we can wean you off these, but maintain with diet/fasting/probiotics

If you feel you need personalized support/help for this process, please email the office at You should also order the 15 min Consultation with Dr. Hartman Andersen.